How to save a PDF
If you would like to save the page you’re viewing as a PDF document, here are the steps:
- 点击 icon with 3 stacked dots
lines to the right of the URL bar at the top of your browser
- Select the “打印” option
- A pop up window like this one should appear, ensure the Destination field is set to “Save as PDF” (this may be a dropdown or “Change” button)
- 点击 “保存”, then select the location and name for the file on your computer
What do you need to cross off your to-do list today?
The Small City Center offers resources for cities with populations under 2,500. Find essential information to help you tackle common and critical tasks below.
预算 & 金融
I need to…
Know and meet deadlines
Understand funds and bonds
Learn about the budgeting process from start to finish
Meetings, Councils, Roles
I need to…
Review Open Meeting Law
Determine if a meeting should be 关闭d
Notice a meeting correctly
Know when not to schedule council meetings
招聘, Benefits, Policies
I need to…
Retain staff
Prepare for interviewing and hiring
Draft personnel policies
Address a performance issue
Learn Online
MemberLearn courses are custom designed especially for Minnesota’s city leaders.
Human 稳定的十大彩票网站: Tips for Seasonal 招聘
金融: The Budgeting Process
Governance: Conflict of Interest